Tuesday, July 20, 2010

She's Here!

So I thought Summer would make it easier to update, but actually the opposite is true! Seems like we're so busy until 9 P.M. every night and then when we come inside it's usually to eat, watch a little T.V., shower, and then head to bed. So I'll try to catch everyone up from the last post.

Over the 4th of July we went to our friends' house on the Lake of the Ozarks. It was so much fun! We had way too much fun. We all decided we needed to do it every fourth and make it an annual event. Here are just a few pictures, one of all the girls that went and one of all the boys, it was on the Saturday we were there when we all went out on the yacht boating.


Josh & I enjoying some fireworks :)

Then, Stacia, Virg, and myself went zorbing! It is this giant ball and you can ride it in it one of two ways: harassed inside of it and rolling upside down, or putting water it and sitting inside and sliding down. We chose the last one! They filled the inside with water and then we all sat in it and rolled down the hill. SO. MUCH. FUN! Would definitely do it again! Wish the boys could have gone, they would have loved doing it :)

The weekend after that was fundays, and it was the usual fun. It was really nice because my best friend Alex just got a job in Chicago and was leaving that Sunday so it was so, so, so nice to see her and spend more time with her before she left.

We went camping last weekend. It was pretty fun - I haven't stayed in a tent since I was younger, and Josh and I really only ended up sleeping in a tent the first night, the second night we slept in the bow of the boat - much more comfortable! We took the boat out Friday and Saturday and it was a really fun weekend - except for the big storm that came through Saturday night! Josh's mom had to call us at 3 A.M. to warn us and thankfully we got everything packed up and somewhere safe before the 60MPH winds and hail came through!

Now for the biggest news. On Sunday, July, 18, 2010, at 10:17 P.M. Kayden Nicole Meckley came into the world weighing 7lbs 15oz and 19inches long! Andy (Josh's brother) sent us a text on Sunday morning while we were packing up from camping saying she'd been in labor and was at the hospital. Once we got home we unpacked and he said baby should be there about 3 P.M. So we decided to leave and try to be there about 3:30 P.M. so we could see her and take tons of pictures and give her lots of lovies. It's a 2hr drive to see them so we all hopped in the car about 1:30 and drove to Davenport. She wasn't there yet when we got there so we waited in the waiting room. And we waited. And waited. And waited a little more. Finally at about 7:30 P.M. we couldn't wait anymore and had to come home :( I was pretty bummed, but I knew we had a lot of stuff to do and couldn't wait around all night. As you can see, we wouldn't have gotten to hold her until about 11:30 P.M. and then trying to drive home all night and then go to work in the morning would have been terrible, so I guess we'll just have to wait until Friday to go see her. But I'll take plenty of pictures and thankfully Andy has been great at sending us updates and pictures everyday of her. Here are a few of the ones we've gotten.
Here she is first born:

I think she looks like Josh...she has a round face, kind of his almond eyes, and his squishy nose :)

She got to go home today:

Snoozing at home <3

It's kind of crazy how much you can love someone you've just met, scary almost. But I feel like I just love her so, so much already. Can't wait to be the best Aunt I can be to her :)
So that's what we've been up to lately. Summer is almost over (I go back the 16th to work, kids come back the 23rd). And so much to still go one - we've got weddings, Josh's birthday, state fair, and more! This summer has just gone too fast, but I've loved every second of it!

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