Monday, February 7, 2011

So Big!

Happy February! January is finished, and I have a feeling this February will go by super fast (at least, I'm hoping so!). We had another snow day last week, it snowed a good 6" or so and then blew like a blizzard all night long! It actually blew so much that there really wasn't any snow in our driveway, it was all blown into a snow bank! It wasn't nearly as bad here as it was east of us though - Chicago had about 20" with 60MPH winds! YIKES! It also snowed a lot more in Davenport too, I would say about 10", which was where we headed this weekend. Last minute on Friday night we decided to go visit Andy, Laura and Kayden since we haven't seen them since Christmas. Kayden is getting so, so big! She's really learned how to reach out and grab things, and really liked touching your face. She's also started putting everything in her mouth, which probably isn't a good thing, but she really wanted to see how everything tasted. It was pretty cute, especially when she's trying to taste your face. <3 I even got to feed her while there:

I had bought this little touchy feely Christmas book for her, and last time I showed it to her she was like eh. BUT this time she was all about it! She liked touching the prickly pine tree and reading with Uncle Josh (this picture makes my heart melt):


So that was basically our weekend. This weekend we'll be celebrating Alex's birthday on Saturday night, and I'm hoping I can talk Josh into going out to eat Friday night for Valentine's Day, since it's on Monday.

I also got some GREAT news on friend Rachel and I are going to TAYLOR SWIFT in Omaha May 28th for FREE!!! We went and saw her last May and it was GREAT!! I seriously cannot WAIT for this year! :) It will be a great time, and we'll probably even hit up some downtown Omaha - I cannot wait! Shout out to Aunt Sharon for getting the tickets! <3

My next post (fingers crossed) may be about things around the house that I'm loving lately. (I.e. our new bedroom, picture frames, stove/microwave, etc.) so as long as I get my butt in gear I can take some pictures and get them posted!

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