Thursday, January 27, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Those of you who have me on Facebook or are apart of mine or Josh's immediate families probably already know the news, but I thought I'd spread it a little more...we're going to VEGAS! We're going over Easter Break so April 21st-24th, and staying at the Flamingo on the strip. I've never been to Vegas, and neither has Josh, and to be honest we've never really been on any vacations. We go to the Ozarks with friends over the 4th of July weekend, and we've been to the Mall of America and stayed in Omaha one summer and went to the zoo (aside from all the times we go to visit my family). I've also been to Chicago, Georgia, and Florida, but I'm super excited to go to the bright lights of Vegas! I've never really been on a "adult" vacation (meaning, without family, and actually planning most of it on our own - not just going to visit friends.) So I'm pretty (okay VERY) excited! Josh is excited in his own way, but I think there will be so much to do and see we really won't get to see all of it in the three days we're there. We got a really good deal on our hotel, and I can't stop looking at pictures of it online.

And this is the pool that goes with it!:

I think the weather will be fairly nice towards the end of April in Vegas, so I'm hoping to bring out the flip-flops, sundresses, sunglasses, and get a suntan! :) Only 83 days left!

Other than that nothing new to report. School seems to be flying by, January is almost over and it seems like it's the longest month ever (aside from March). We have tomorrow off from the kids, but will be working on professional development all day, which I don't mind at all because I love my co-workers and spending time with them all day beats creating lesson plans any day of the week. :) Then February comes and it's a short month, plus we have ITBS testing and conferences in there, with an extra day off on the 18th. March will be here before we know it, and we have a day off then too, also some field trips planned and track starts! I'll be coaching track from March-May 7th, and I couldn't be more excited. I love track, and not having to do basketball and drive the bus this winter has been amazing!

We haven't been up to much. We went to an ISU Men's basketball game the other night (they beat Baylor!), we're going to a hockey game tomorrow night with some friends, and other than that we've just been working, working out, and hanging out. We like to stay at home more often now (does that mean we're getting old?!) and I actually like it a lot, it makes for a relaxing weekend, not one where I'm nursing a hangover for a day or two and then having to work all week, so no complaints there.

Hopefully I'll be able to update more as the Vegas trip gets closer and the school year winds down. Yay!

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