Sunday, March 27, 2011

Update & Tyson's Birthday

Little update! Sorry about the lack in updates, I really got hit hard with sickness around here. Shortly after my last update I woke up with Influenza B on a Sunday. I was still on my antibiotics from my second round of strep + an ear infection, and then got hit with it. :( I was literally sick with fever, chills, and body aches from Sunday-Thursday. I didn't completely get over it until this week - just in time for Josh to get it a week later. Hopefully our house is over it now, but it was a rough two weeks there for a while. Both of us were sick for St. Patrick's Day too, so we didn't get a chance to do anything. Josh was just starting to feel better, so we ordered some take-out and sat at home and watched movies. We've been doing that a lot lately, and it's been REALLY nice. I finally had my first few drinks last night, and we actually ended up at home by 11:30 - it was a nice, low-key weekend.

I made my directing debut as the middle school play director last Thursday night. The kids did "All I Really Need to Know I Learned By Being in a Bad Play". It was really funny and cute, and we made about $100 from tickets so that was nice! My mom came out and got me flowers and that made me feel extra good. The kids did a really good job with it, but it was definitely stressful! I think that mostly has to do with the fact that track started and we had to practice at 7 A.M. for two weeks, but I'm glad I did it, and I'm glad it's over!

Track started March 21st offically and so far it's been a lot of fun. I can think back to when I was in high school track and it's great all over again. I don't even mind standing out in 40 degree sleeting weather to help them train - it really has been fun! Our first meet is April 11th and we have a really good team this year, so I'm hoping we do well. They're a good group of girls and I think it will be a lot of fun to watch them grow over the year - PLUS reliving my high school days has been great haha.

So, picture time. Nothing exciting has happened lately so I don't have many pictures, but Tyson's birthday is the 30th and he'll be 4 years old. I can't believe he's already 4 - time has certainly flown! So I took him and Taytum to Petsmart on Saturday and got a few things.
A squeaky toy (it was a cheap little blue binky), a squeaky Easter bunny, and a "gourmet" meal for dinner that night (Taytum got one too).

Happy Birthday cookie for him

Birthday cupcake for Taytum to celebrate with him

He's been hoarding his new .99 cent tennis ball around too. You can't pry it away from him!

And I'm MOST excited about this. It's a coupler I bought that hooks to both of their collars and then I hook one leash to it and walk them. I know that Tyson is not a very good walker, but I think this might help out. It seems like he would drag Taytum around, but I tried it out at Petsmart before purchasing it and actually the length of her legs makes up for him running around haha. I haven't gotten a chance to try it out yet, but I'm hoping to once the weather warms up this week:

Don't let them fool you - they are only looking sad because they found out they had to put their collars are, but weren't really going for a walk haha. I will let you know if it works - those of you out there with multiple dogs may want to get one as well! :)

That's all for now. Only about 3 more weeks until Josh and I head to Vegas! And only 8 weeks left of school (which means only 8 Mondays - yay!) I can't believe Friday kicks off April - the best month of all! I'm definitely looking forward to it, finishing up the school year, and having the WHOLE summer off! CAN'T WAIT! :)

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