Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

So much has been happening lately I haven't had a chance to sit down and breathe, much less update. I was so busy at work the last few weeks trying to get everything squared away and ready for winter break, and it just seems the days go by faster with all the Christmas things, too. We've been busy every weekend, so finally I'm on Christmas break down and waiting for the cable guy to come hook up our cable! I'll try to update about as much as I can remember.

A couple of weeks ago we went out for Josh's work party and went to Prairie Meadows. His dad and wife were nice enough to give us each $100 to start gambling with so I should have stopped while I was ahead! I played the Sex and the City slot machine and was up to $200 at one point in time, but got greedy and walked away with only $27. (Better than nothing, right?) Then we've just been busy planning all the family Christmases and getting everything ready. On the last day of school myself and two other co-workers dressed up as Santa and his elves and handed out cookies and milk. The kids loved it!

I got the house all decorated right after Thanksgiving, but I've been putting some finishing touches on them. Jane came over and we finished the other curtains PLUS hemmed my sheer ones so everything is nice and even - I LOVE it! Plus I love looking at my tree every's so great. <3

And Tyson got himself an ugly Christmas sweater the other day, so he's been wearing that proudly. I am not a fan of people who dress up their dogs for fashion, but Tyson really does get cold in the winter since his fur is so short, so we try to just get him nice fleece things to wear in the winter. He actually really does apprecaite it!

It's been nice to have some cheerful things to look forward. We had to put our 16-year-old dog, Lacey, to sleep this past weekend. It's been really hard on my whole family; dogs become a part of your family and it's almost like losing a child/sibling. The vet was nice enough to come to our house and let us all be with her on her blanket with her favorite stuffed animals. I haven't been able to go to my parent's house yet without crying, and today is the first day I haven't cried, so it's been pretty hard. She was a great dog and I spent so much of my childhood/teenage years with her. We did 4-H together and she won Nationals in Indianapolis one year, so we've been all over and she's been one of my best friends. I miss her a lot, but it was her time and I know she's chasing squirrels and enjoying doggy heaven. <3

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm so excited to see family and things over the next two weeks. Now if it would snow it would be the best thing ever! :) xoxo

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