Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Elliott Update

As I posted, Laura had Elliott early Friday morning, so we weren't able to head up there right away on Friday. Josh and I headed up on Saturday and we were lucky enough that they actually got to head home early so we got to go to the house and visit with everyone. Baby Ellie is certainly a blessing! As I mentioned, she was about 9 days overdue, and Kayden was born about a month early and it's so crazy to see the difference in their motor skills and how far they are. El was really alert while we were there and would open her eyes and actually seem to look right at you. She didn't cry as much either, and she was pretty strong as far as neck muscles go in a newborn. She also seemed a little easier to pass since she was a bit bigger. All-in-all I suppose we'll keep her; she's pretty great. <3 Here are some updated pictures of her since I just had the one within her first hour of birth haha.
And as always Kayden was a hoot! She's getting pretty fun - her favorite thing is to draw circles and basically run around like a mad woman. I'm excited this summer to hopefully take her to a little wading pool and spend some more time together now that she's a little older and they're about an hour or so closer! She's in tumbling this summer so we're hoping to go to that a few times; and of course snuggling Elliott. Babies are so much less scarier now that everyone I know is having them (I still am NOT ready for a baby anytime soon, but I am more comfortable around them and holding them). She loved impressing Uncle Josh:
KK still wasn't quite sure of El yet. She wasn't totally smitten, but she was ready to share her blanket with Ellie while she was sleeping in the swing - it was super sweet. <3 And Laura got some cute pictures of both of them, too!
This week is my LAST week of school. It feels like I've said this for the past few years (and if you would have asked me in January I would have told you it was the slowest month EVERRRR. But actually it seems like it always flys by when I look back on it. We ended our track season on a good note and the girls did really well throughout the entire season. I think we finished 41-5 for the entire season so that was AWESOME! We go to school on Monday just to do 8th grade promotion and to finish up the lose ends. I am so excited for summer; I already have a list of things I want to get done like staining our fence, re-painting the living room (ugh), taking lots of walks with the dogs, and starting to train for a 5K run I signed up for in July! I've NEVER ran more than a mile or so consequetively...so I'm hoping this is a good push for me this summer and a good challenege! I will be able to cross it off the bucket list one of these days. So I'm pretty excited about summer...just need to make it through the last few days! :) xoxo

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