Thursday, April 18, 2013

I've Never Been This Busy

Gah. Where has the time gone? I think that for the most part, things just keep being crazy and hectic and I have no time to breathe. Track started and it just seems like every night I am exhausted so I come home and sleep. As my Drake classes are winding down, it's hard to find time between all the papers and projects. Wedding planning is kind of at the point where there's nothing to really "plan" but plenty of things to buy! We really have everything knocked I'm just ready for summer so I can start putting my invites together! We got the materials in the mail the other day, and Laura sent me something to get me started, so they're coming together and it's EXACTLY what I wanted! I've never been so happy with them! I will post a pic after we send some out; don't want to spoil the surprise ;)

Yesterday was my 26th birthday and I think it's actually safe to say it has been the best one yet. I loved my birthdays like 21, 22, 23 etc where we all went out to the bars and what not, but honestly, just the intimate, close birthday that I had this year was breathtaking. Josh and I had talked about him not getting me a present because he was paying off my ring this month, and honestly, that's the only present I need! But we wanted to do something to celebrate anyway, so last weekend we went out to eat and went and saw Jurassic Park in 3D (I LOVE dinosaurs! And about a month ago we went and saw Sue the T-Rex at the Science Center, so cool!). On Monday he said he was going to pick me up a card, but ended up surprising me with a cake and candles as well! Then on my birthday we went out to Ge-Angelos (my new favorite restaurant!) and it was honestly just so great. I will be the first person to admit that ever since Josh & I got engaged, I love him even more, and I actually feel like he loves me even more. I lucked out tremendously with this guy; he's amazing and I can't believe I'm honestly marrying my best friend in 6 short months!
birthday cake

New shoes! LOVE them!

To avoid sounding so sappy we'll move on to more things. It has rained buckets here and hasn't gotten above 50 degrees the past two weeks or so. We've only gotten in one track meet the entire season and out of the 7 meets we normally go to, we'll only be able to attend 5 (that's if none of the rest of them get cancelled after this!). It's made for a VERY. LONG. SEASON. I do really enjoy track, but I'm definitely a fair weather fan and this Ugh. Come on 70 degree weather!

Not much else - we've done the standard things over the past few months. My friend Danielle had her bachelorette/bachelor party over St. Patrick's Day and it was a lot of fun! Probably the most traumatic thing that's happened is that we took Taytum to the groomer's over Easter break and she came back....hairless. Literally. They shaved her hair off! I couldn't believe a "groomer" would even consider puppy cutting a Sheltie. Her beautiful, beautiful hair that had been growing for over 7 years. I cried. Josh was so upset. My mom was really upset. It was traumatic to say the least. It's been almost a month now and it still hasn't grown back much...but we're used to it. She's been pretty chilly lately though!
The future Mr. & Mrs. Meckley for St. Paddy's Day!

Taytum before & after :(

Only 5 weeks left of school! So ready for summer! Not that I don't have a great bunch of students, I'm just excited because once summer hits I feel like we'll be getting so much closer to wedding and honeymoon and becoming Mrs. Meckley! YAY! :) Fingers crossed for warmer weather. Where the heck is this "In like a lion out like a lamb??" We're having lion only weather! Come on May!

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