Tuesday, November 23, 2010


WOW. Where does the time go? Looking back over the last post, it seems like that day was just yesterday, let alone almost a month ago. I've been pretty bad about updating, I know, but I'm here to catch up again (hopefully) and stay caught up. It's been a pretty busy month trying to catch up with the kids as well as keeping up with life. So...let's start from the beginning, about a month ago.

Andy and Laura came down for Halloween and we all went uptown Friday night. I wasn't going to dress up, but Andy came decked out as Bret Michaels, and Laura dressed up as Andy so I figured I might as well get in on the fun. I dressed up as Josh, so Laura and I went as the Meckley boys. Pretty creative, haha. I must say though...I feel like I'm a much prettier Josh than he is ;)

Kayden dressed up as a little strawberry, but trick-or-treat wasn't until Saturday night and Andy and Laura ended up going to see a movie so we stayed and greeted the trick-or-treaters by ourselves. We ended up going to see Paranormal Activity 2 that night - SCARY! I wasn't as freaked out as I was after seeing the first one, but it was still pretty scary!

Other than that we haven't really been up to much. My Scentsy business has really been fun and I've done a pretty good job so far selling it! I went to a few craft shows with Steph and that was nice, but my basket parties have been really great. I just recieved the order I closed with Lisa and she sold over $600.00 so I should have a nice commission next month to spend on Christmas prezzies. :) So I'm pretty excited about that!

Kayden is getting SO big! She rolled over a bit while we were there this last weekend getting some family photos (I'll post them as soon as the photographer gets them back to us!) so it was really neat to see her do that, but I guess she officially got all the way over just last night. She's a very happy/smiley baby, so that's always fun. Josh and I were reading to her the other day when we were there. His grandma had gotten her "Big Joe's Truck" as a present, and it was a book both Josh and Andy loved when they were babies, so Josh really seemed to enjoy it almost as much as she did :)

She's 4 months old this month!

So other than that, that's what we've been doing. I cannot believe as I'm typing this I only have to finish the rest of today and then a half day tomorrow (with my classes ending at lunch - the rest of the day is a movie day!) And then CHRISTMAS! I just hope it snows...even just enough to cover the ground for a White Christmas. <3 Hope everyone has a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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