Sunday, October 24, 2010

Busy Week!

What a busy week it was! Everyday I thought about the blog challenge, but was so busy I didn't actually have time to update. I really don't even have time now, but I thought I'd post anyway - especially because I promised some pictures of the house. :)

Well this week coming up is conferences week, so I've been pretty busy trying to get everything graded and grades turned in for the quarter. It's a lot harder than it sounds, but it won't be so bad. I just have to make it through the 4-8 P.M. nights Tuesday and Thursday and then HELLO three day weekend! Not to mention November starts and then we'll be on the road to Christmas! CAN'T. WAIT.

On another note, I started selling Scentsy. ( <-- check it out and let me know if you'd like to order anything!) I absolutely love Scentsy, and Laura does such a great job, I knew she'd be a good sponsor. While I don't anticipate on making an extreme amount of cash (not enough to quit my day job anyway - HA), I am hoping to make a little side cash in time for Christmas, as well as just getting a ton of free Scentsy and having it around my house. I LOVE this stuff! So that's been pretty exciting for me so far! I also got all my orders in from my basket party this past week and it was like Christmas for me:

So I know I'll just love selling it. Can't wait to get my starter kit and get started! Andy, Laura, and Baby K are coming down this weekend - I'm super excited because A) I feel like I haven't seen Baby K in forever B) I think we may all head uptown for a while and listen to some Loose Neutral and C) Laura and I are going to be working on Scentsy! YIPEEE!! Looking forward to the weekend!

I haven't really been keeping up with the blog challenge, so I may just give up for now. I am doing the "Where you live" post because I'm posting pictures of our house! My grandma hasn't seen the house in a few years and we've done so much to the inside. So here are some updated pics just for you Grandma! :)
The view when you walk in from the backdoor (which is used most often):

The kitchen:

The dining room:

Living room:

Another view of the living room (You can see my Scentsy Jack O'Lantern on! & Jersey Shore was on T.V. haha)

The computer room/spare bedroom. We put the bed down there after Andy and Laura had Kayden because we figured when they came to stay they wouldn't want to stay upstairs where it is either really hot in the summer or really cold in the winter, plus there's a little T.V. and the computer.

The hall-way going upstairs with the "family" wall. I want to get a picture from for Christmas that says FAMILY so I can hang it above all the pictures. We've got pictures of everyone in the family there - on both sides! :)

The bathroom. While I'm not actually posting a picture of the bathroom (it's tiny and looks like...a bathroom haha). I had Laura make me these cute little vinyl letters and then hung pictures of the dogs getting a bath. I thought it was funny!

Basically the only things left are our bedroom, the now empty spare room upstairs that used to have the bed, and Josh's bathroom. None of which are that neat! Haha.

So, there are some updated pictures of our house and all the work we've put into it. We are going to re-do the bathrooms this Spring, and hopefully finish off the new windows downstairs. I really love our little house, it's very homey and just somewhere I really love to be. Sending lots of prayers and love out to my grandma this week - I'll be thinking about you and I love you!

Just thought I'd end with this picture of our neighbor's tree. It's been changing a lot lately, and the colors are just beautiful:

Even the dogs love it :)

Well that's enough for now...hope everyone has had a great weekend!

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