Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 3/4 Challenge

As you can see...I'm still pretty bad about keeping updated. BUT I think every other day has been great for me! I was going to do one yesterday, but all day was busy and then after school I went and watched the 8th grade girls play volleyball and then went to Steph's house for an open house. She had so much great jewelry and purses from Just Fabulous Darling and I bought more than I should...but I love it. :) I'm starting to seel Scentsy from Laura so if anyone wants to order anything check out and let me know - but order from me, not online, becuase then I can get you some free shipping! :)

Okay so for the challenge...yesterday was what's your favorite book? And I have several. My all time favorite book has been tied between two (but by the same author) The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns.

They are both just amazing books and they really put life and the problems in the Middle East into perspective. I honestly had a new respect for the people, as well as what we were fighting for, after reading the books. They are amazing. The Kite Runner was made into a movie and I made Josh watch it with me, but it's not the same as the book. Seriously, pick either one up and read them if you haven't already. A Thousand Splendid Suns focuses on two women from the Middle East who are married away and the trials and tribulations they face. The Kite Runner focuses around the main character who has a prodominate father in the country, and his childhood friend. I can't really explain them without giving away the juicy details, but you won't regret reading them - I promise.

Another book I've been reading (STILL trying to finish...although I still love love love it, I just can't seem to find the time to read it.)

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. It's a very good, flowing read. I haven't been bored wtih the book once since picking it up and the author just has an amazing writing style. Hopefully I finish it soon, but like I said, school really puts a damper on being able to get through a good book!

And then today's challenege: What's your favorite quote? I have a few, and there's always the "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" but one I found particularly inspiring, at least for me, is this one:

"It's not so important that it's happily every after, just that it's happy right now."

I think this really inspires me because it can relate to anything in life. Whenever I think about something or question something (which I do often, I'm a bad over-analyzer) I just have to ask myself, "Am I happy right now, in this moment?" If yes, then that's all that matters. It doesn't matter if I'm still happy with it in 10 minutes, 5 hours or 3 years, just that for that moment in time, it made me happy. I've been trying to slow down my life and keep this in mind lately. I will admit that with everyone getting married around me lately, I definitely caught the wedding bug. But when I think about this quote, I just have to remind myself that I don't need to rush things...and that I'm happy right now, so it doesn't matter if it's happy forever. It's a really inspiring quote.

I also really like "Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death." So true - I try to live fearlessly which is one reason why I simply love Taylor Swift. She wrote a whole thing on living fearlessly in her last album and it was just so great. Fearless is being scared and taking chances and letting things change.

Well that's enough for now. We're going out to eat and then to the CMB vs. West Marshall game tonight and then tomorrow I'm decorating the house in Halloween and going SHOPPING!! Even though I don't need's going to make me happy, and that's all that matters. :)


  1. I gave you a blog award! Check out my blog to see what to do! :)

  2. I have those books by Khaled Hosseine uploaded and ready to listen to. I just need to get to them.

    Have you ever listened to audiobooks? You could listen on the way to and from work. It makes drives go so much faster!

  3. Anna - Thank you! I'll check it out! :)

    Kaylan - I haven't done an audiobook yet, but everytime I pass one I always think of you and think about how I should try it! I love listening to talk radio so I think I'd really love an audiobook...I may try The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...have you read it yet?
