Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Wedding

Finally! A blog topic I can relate to! Ha, kidding (sort-of). While I feel like I know how my future wedding is going to go, it's really hard to say that I won't change my mind between now and then. In high school we did a project where you had to pick out everything for the wedding: colors, dresses, flowers, location, etc. It's hard to think back about what was important to me then and think that I would EVER do my wedding like that. So it's hard to say that what I like now, is something I'll like when the time is right to get married. I'll be brutally honest when I say that somedays I'm ready to get married, and somedays I'm not quite sure. It has nothing to do with Josh or that I'm not ready to be with him - it's just, when is the timing ever right for a wedding? I just think about all the money that goes into a wedding, all the planning, and the preperation. And then I think about all the things that we'd like to have within the next five years (a new truck for Josh, new stove and microwave, new windows for the house, bathroom renovations, bedroom renovations, I want to get my masters, etc.) not to mention the daily grind of paying bills and things, and to add on top of that rings and a wedding? While I know that our families would be more than generous in helping us out, it just seems like a lot of work. Not saying I don't EVER want to marry Josh (in fact, I'd be quite thrilled if he asked tomorrow and I'd throw my inhabitions out the door and start planning, reguardless of what my bank account says), but it seems like it will never happen. I also know that I'm turning 24 in April, and while that isn't old, I definitely don't want to be someone who gets married and then 9 months later has a kid. I'd like to be married for a few years, which puts a damper on my having-both-my-kids-before-I'm-thirty mentality...which, the more I think about it, the more it doesn't bother me. I'd still like to have at least one child by 28, it's slowly just becoming a number I was selfishly fixated on because I figured my body was still young enough at that age to bounce back. But I suppose you're never really ready, you just have to have faith and jump in head first. I don't know...but I suppose since it is the blog request, I'll fulfill it and fill everyone in on my future wedding.

I'd like to have my wedding in the fall, (If Josh were to ask in the next 4-5 months) I think it would be really neat to have a wedding on 9-10-11 of next year. How could you forget that anniversary date?! So I suppose my colors would be a mixture of fall colors - the auburns, oranges, yellows, browns, etc. I'm not sure what I'd have my bridesmaids wear, but I know that I want a strapless wedding dress. I'm not sure the style - I suppose when the time comes I'll need to try on 35468715 million styles, maybe something like these ones - kind of simple, with a touch of different:

I try to think that I'd have a pretty formal wedding...I'd like it if it were possible that Josh and I couldn't see each other before the wedding. I know this becomes a hassle when you have to take pictures after and you have guests waiting - but I suppose if we kept it as a small ceremony with only close friends and family, they wouldn't mind having a little bit of down time between the wedding and the reception. (Like finding a near-by bar to attend?) Or I'd always visioned playing some sort of slide show of our lives while we took some pictures after the wedding. I don't know, we'll see when the time comes.

I really don't have anything set in stone picked out. No flowers. No shoes. No set way of how I want the wedding to go. I do know though that I'd like to have my bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down to the melody of Tesla's "Love Song" and then I'd walk down in Canon D. Otherwise...I'm definitely a visual person, and have to see something before I can decide on it. So I suppose I don't have much picked out yet. Of course I have a running lists of bridesmaids to ask and what not, but otherwise, I'm pretty open to suggestion. I'm lucky that I have so many creative people in my life (like Laura!) who had amazing weddings and I know I could ask plenty of questions to them. I do know though that I would L.O.V.E. a ring like this:

That's an emerald cut diamond with baguettes on the side. I just LOVE the look of the emerald cut - it's different and not something you see everyday. I told Josh once that I wouldn't accept anything else, but I suppose the older I get the less picky I'll be! Ha!

So while this wasn't a very informative blog wedding wise, it was fun to look up all the different dresses and things on google! :)


  1. OMG, I just posted that I was quitting the Challenge before I did the wedding post?! I need to review the remaining challenges and reconsider!

    So...let me start by saying as someone who was obsessed with having 2 kids by 25, just getting started after 30 really isn't so bad. I've had plenty of time to get settled and fulfill most all my materialistic wants and needs and feel good knowing we can do the same for Kayden and future sibbling(s).

    As for the wedding, again speaking from experience, it's so amazing to be able to take your time and plan every last detail (if that's what you want) rather than rush down the aisle because you're so excited to be married. I used to say I wanted a MARRIAGE not just a WEDDING. But letmetellyasomethin' (as if you don't already know) weddings are pretty fan-frickin'-tastic! I'm just gonna throw this out there (toss it back if you like) but you KNOW I will be your JLo Wedding Planning Bi*otch in a second if you want me to be. =) Or, I will also happily sit back quietly and just watch too, whatever YOU want on YOUR big day!

    I always hated when people older than me would say "When I was your age..." or "If I knew then what I know now..." but seriously, if anything, I SOOOO wish that I will be able to teach Kayden the value of living a slower life, enjoying every moment without overplanning and worrying about weddings and babies by a certain age. It truly is just a number. I hope that you can gain something from that too. =) Love you!

  2. Yes! I feel like it seemed like such a big deal to me (and as selfish as this is...I really just wanted them before 30 because I figured my body would bounce back better. *sheepish*)...but now that SO many people around me are waiting, I'm realizing it's not a big deal to me anymore. Having a baby is a scary, scary, scary deal, and I know I'm not ready for that at all! (Plus, we have Kayden to give lovies to :))

    And yes yes and more yessssss that you need to be my right hand man every step of the way...I am clearly not as creative as you (or will even attempt to be - ha!) so I need all your expertise beside me every step of the way. Plus - that gives us ONE more excuse to be down at your house as much as possible. :)

    I definitely agree with living a slower lifestyle. I am living vicariously through my brother and I want him to slow down and enjoy his senior year and all that college has to offer the next four years - so I can totally relate to you wanting Kayden to live a slower lifestyle. I feel like the longer I am waiting...the more I'm okay with it. After typing this post I kind of realized that it really doesn't matter to me and that I'm really not in any hurry. It was actually a refreshing post...and one that made me think I'm not so crazy about not rushing into it. :)Thanks for replying - it makes me realize that my harsh reality isn't that harsh! love love love!
