Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Once school life is consumed. I've noticed that when I come home at night, I seem a little more tired, and I don't have much energy to do much besides clean up, cook dinner, and then maybe take the dogs for a quick walk (since the weather has been so nice). We haven't done much in the last month...I went back to work and Josh has been slaving away on the final bathroom project (we have a tub and some walls up right now! Getting there!). We have a new 7th grade Language Arts teacher and her and I have been working together to really update the 7th grade curriculum and really work together. So far so good! But it seems like one night a week we plan and it usually takes us from 3-5p.m. to plan out one week's worth of lesson plans, which is consuming when I still have to do my own for 8th grade as well. But I've liked it so far and we both have some great ideas - it's nice to bounce ideas of someone else at work. :)

I guess though I'll catch up from the last post. Josh's birthday was great; I always love birthday's, no matter whose they are! From me he got a new ipod, a signed Def Leppard poster, some work out shorts/pants, and an ISU shirt. He got lots of great things from everyone, he's a pretty lucky guy. We also went to the fair again and this time Josh and I rode this ride called "The Sky Scraper". The sign says you go 70mph like 165 feet in the air. We had both ridden it before (years before), and didn't think anything of it. Boy were we WRONG! My heart was beating so hard I thought it was going to jump out of my chest!! I feel like in my "old age" I can't handle heights as well, they're jumping up on my list of fears. This was NO difference. Even Josh got off the ride a little shaky and I think his exact words were, "I don't remember it being as intense when I was tweleve." Hahaha. Jane got some pictures of us on it though:
Us waiting in line (I'm excited!)

Getting strapped in:

Away we go!! At this point in time was when I started getting sweaty and my heart started beating super fast:

Swinging down!

Glad to make it off alive! I am a thrill seeker though, so anytime I can drag Josh on a rollercoaster or something, I'll do it, no matter what the height!

Other than that nothing too much to post...we had a low-key Labor Day. Some of our friends from Omaha came down and we were suppose to go boating, but of course, it rained ALL DAY. So instead they came over, we all hung out for a while, and then Alex and I went out in Des Moines with them. All-in-all it ended up being a nice night for just hanging out with friends.

Coming up we have a couple of weddings, and hopefully a finished bathroom project by the end of the month! Andy and Laura will be moving soon; only an hour away (and close to the outlet mall!). So I'm excited to see KK a little more often and definitely taking her and babysitting! :) Will post when something exciting happens and as always will keep you all updated on the bathroom project! xoxo

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