Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Post

Hello all! This is my first real, personal blog. I have a blog for my students (which really is just me posing a question to them and they answer it), but this is my blog all about me. How convient :)

I probably won't be able to add pictures as much as I'd like when I'm at school, but I'll try to keep everyone up on our everyday happenings and what not. It seems like I don't see anyone nearly as much as I'd like, and everyone misses out on the little, important details in life. So this is my way of keeping up with everyone and hopefully letting everyone keep up with me.

I suppose I should update everyone quickly on what's going on in our lives. Josh and I found out at Christmas time that we were going to be an aunt and uncle, thanks to Andy and Laura! Baby Meckley is due around August 2nd, and I can't wait until March to find out if I'm buying pink clothes or boy clothes, pretty excited!

Not much is happening around our household. I joined aerobics with some of the girls (kicks my butt) and Josh is still working out. I'm praying for no more snow, snow days are certainly killing my chances of being done with school before June! School/work is going well; some days it is definitely overwhelming, but the nice thing is everyday is a new day. My 7th grade basketball season just ended, and while I'm sad to see it go and will miss seeing the girls every night, it's nice to have that extra free time to get stuff done.

Well I suppose that's all for now! I'll try to update as often as possible, especially if anything exciting happens in our lifes! I've also seen little fun posts such as "wordless Wednesdays" and the like so I might start doing that as well. Hopefully I can get some fun pictures posted soon!


1 comment:

  1. Great website! Even if I talk to you daily, it is nice to read your blog.
